有點不好意思艾。。。我是硬著頭皮才終于上完的 -.-|| but good experience tho~
哦哦對了,再貼一些昨天和MM們的照片吧~ XD
有點不好意思艾。。。我是硬著頭皮才終于上完的 -.-|| but good experience tho~
哦哦對了,再貼一些昨天和MM們的照片吧~ XD
How’s everyone doing?
Ahaha, well, I’m really tired…
I’ll post up some pictures as soon as I feel like it LOL
Wait for the videos to be updated, and hear my horrible Mando pronounciation >___<;;
I really dont have anything to say, actually. So make sure you guys leave comments so I do have something to talk about ^^b!!
Enjoy your day!
T_T burned my thumb making edamame =(
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO random, but me and my thumb are still ready to go all out sunshine anywhere anytime =D
i wonder how many people go on these blogs.. HI EVERYONE =)
sunshine is awesome, even though im free today, having a blast =D
Working hard on my sunshine things, secretly ;D
DUI BU CHI EVERYONE, i was bored =P
THUMBS UP, even my hurt one =D
NO.6 Grace Fan
SSN Blog: http://ssn09.am1470.com/?cat=19
Baidu Blog: hi.baidu.com/luolikui
Voting Link: http://ssn09.am1470.com/?cat=11
先給大家一張我們5個girls的全家福吧。這是我們press conference完之後,去水族館拍的。其實這幾天一直在生病,前天連聲音都發不出來(= =can’t practise my talent啊~~)。我們到水族館的時候,已經風雨交加了,我那可憐的身體,不得不再一次面臨考驗(唉,雪上加霜啊)。不過,即使這樣的天氣,大家也都打起精神,看著水里的beluga跳耀着,我,欣慰的笑了。(a~~qiu~~~又打了喷嚏^_^)
Brian, u showed us a different way, dat was surprise and interesting, i love ur cute style~
在我旁邊苗條可人的就是我們的girls manager Barbara~她真的好細心的,身材有爆贊~~
NO.6 Grace Fan
SSN Blog: http://ssn09.am1470.com/?cat=19
Baidu Blog: hi.baidu.com/luolikui
Voting Link: http://ssn09.am1470.com/?cat=11
LOL ok seeing as how everyone did their blogs in chinese, besides reika D= ill be doing mine in english LOL! cause my chinese isnt the greatest hehe
Yessterday august the 10th was one LOOOONG day >_< but, it was a FUN LOOOONG day =D
Waking up from 6:30 in the morning cause i was worried id forget to bring something, and heading out at 10 am T_T man was i tired LOL
putting on make-up, getting our hair done, its actually pretty fun, when its being done on you =D but staying still uhh working on that =P
The press conference was the BIG one that we had to be perfect on! and it just so happens, epic fail for me >_<
standing there letting out my sunshine! and then blanking out for 5 seconds LMAO T_T but it was alright tho, everyone was cheering for me and that got me right back up =)
The food was pretty awesome, having stone grill for my first time, wondering if the food would ever stop sizzling LOL being the slowest to eat after cause it was hot =(
and the going to the aquarium to eat the balugas! LMAO no kidding, we were still hungry tho hehe they did look yummy ;D unfortunately it was pouring rain D= but thats no problem for us sunshine people! we smiled till our jaw’s cramped up! mine still hurts =( at the end of the day, eating at a chinese restaraunt in aberdeen and taking pictures everywhere we went =D
From 6:30 ( for me T_T ) to 10:30, it was ONE LONG DAY, but i didnt mind, cause i was with the sunshine crew the whole way out =)
昨天在 Aquarium 淋的透濕。。今天終于天晴了!!
昨天晚上4點睡的,然後今天早上9點半就要到Boys Co試衣服, 好瞌睡。。。
I was tired… but it was fun… lol 可能太high 咯 撞了 MIC 兩次~ 勁搞笑…
昨天press conference xD 感觉好好玩哦…
不过selfintro的时候不小心撞到mic xD…
之后还去了海洋馆拍外景>_> 那个雨下的 = =|||
NO.6 Grace Fan
SSN Blog: http://ssn09.am1470.com/?cat=19
Baidu Blog: hi.baidu.com/luolikui
Voting Link: http://ssn09.am1470.com/?cat=11
今天是在這裏寫blog的第一天,心情還是滿激動的,不過可能是太過於激動,一時間不知道要說點什麼好 = =
今天press conference累了整整一天,不過真的很有趨哦^_^ 不如first day 我就先發點圖圖給大家吧,哈哈
先上一份大餐~今天PREE CONFERENCE結束之後,沒想到有那麼豐盛的晚餐哦,好激動~沒辦法,我就是個貪吃鬼(吐舌頭)
press conference休息之餘,當然不忘與我們的大帥哥BASIL媽媽合影一張啦o(∩_∩)o.不要羨慕哦,和帥哥合影的機會可不多哦
嗨呀,這一張我一定要PO上來,這是我和我partner JACK的招牌動作啊,國產007,大家可要支持我們兩個哦~~~
嗯……..現在已經淩晨3點多了,好困好困,眼皮好重好重,圖圖就先發到這裏啦。哈哈哈,今天的blog感覺有點像我們的成員介紹會啊,anyway,i just wanna go sleep now, 其他的更有趣的圖片,明天再一一發給大家看吧。
有興趣的朋友可以加我facebook,u can just search “grace fan”, then u can find me^_^
Okay,guys, gd night~
NO.6 Grace Fan
SSN Blog: http://ssn09.am1470.com/?cat=19
Baidu Blog: hi.baidu.com/luolikui
Voting Link: http://ssn09.am1470.com/?cat=11
How’s everyone doing? ;D
We had a press conference today, and it went better than the rehersals, ironically.
It was really fun! Well, I’m really tired today, so I won’t write as much for now.
Stay tuned for more updates :3