決賽夜精采回顧圖輯 Finale Recap Photos


Posted:September 10th, 2009  |  by admin

Click on the images to enlarge.

Promotional Artworks 宣傳品


Posted:August 16th, 2009  |  by admin

Sunshine light box_Aug2

電台辦事處燈箱 Light Box (Second)


十強官方海報 Official Poster with 10 Finalists


明報加西週刊平面廣告 Mingpao Magazine Ad

Sunshine light box

電台辦事處燈箱 Light Box (First)

Print Sunshine_Ad_MPSun_July5(revised2
大華商報廣告 明報加西週刊廣告

七月份 《PLEM娛樂生活雜誌》 平面廣告

Recruitment TVC Behind The Scene


Posted:June 29th, 2009  |  by admin

Sunshine Nation 是加拿大中文電台一年一度的盛事,招募廣告的製作自然一絲不苟。為了營造出充滿活力的「舞動校園」感覺,製作組花了整整12小時進行拍攝,16小時進行剪接和後期工作! 參予拍攝的 Sunshine Nation 2008 得獎者及一眾 dancers 更是落力演出,配合導演跳出動感十足的舞姿! 以下是Sunshine Nation 幕後情報員於當天捕捉的幕後花絮…

A 60-second Sunshine Nation 2009 recruitment television commercial means 12 hours of shooting and 16 hours of editing! Lots of work, eh? But we all like what is playing now on Fairchild TV and Talentvision.  Here are some behind-the-scene photos the Sunshine Nation Insiders had captured during  the shooting…