Archive for August, 2009

2009的Sunshine Boyz + Sunshine Girlz
Jeffrey 劉加 + Angel 莫安琪!

Saturday, August 29th, 2009

左起: 2009 《Sunshine Girlz 冠軍》暨《Brian Jessel BMW 我最喜愛Sunshine大獎》得主Angel 莫安琪,2009 《Sunshine Boyz 冠軍》 Jeffrey 劉加, 《音樂才藝大獎》得主 Reika 吉野令佳


集青春活力、帥哥美女的Sunshine Nation 2009,於8月28日晚假本那比Michael J. Fox Theatre隆重舉行。今年的Sunshine Nation以 「陽光學院」為主題,Sunshine Boyz 及 Girlz穿上活潑亮麗的校服,充分展現自我,舞台設計以校園為背景,再以高科技的多媒體呈現各人的造型及性格;而大會場刊則是一本畢業證書,寓意10位 尖子生經過個多月的訓練後,已學有所成,在決賽夜當晚在六百多位觀眾見証下畢業。經過兩小時的比拼後,得獎名單如下:

Sunshine Boyz冠軍 : Jeffrey 劉加
Sunshine Girlz冠軍 及網上Brian Jessel BMW我最喜愛Sunshine大獎 : Angel 莫安琪
音樂才藝大獎 : Reika 吉野令佳(圖右)

Sunshine Nation 2009共分5個環節,除了「自我介紹」、「音樂才藝」、「模仿比拼」及「Catwalk花生騷」外,今年新增設集智力及體能於一身的「校際常識問答」環節,問題圍繞時事、娛樂、常識、IQ題等,分男女子組搶答題及個人必答題;至於「模仿比拼」環節亦十分有噱頭,大會請來翻版古天樂(由2008 Sunshine Boyz Kevin謝嘉宏模仿)任特別嘉賓,帶領一班Sunshine Boyz 及 Girlz向至高難度的模仿挑戰,模仿對象包括中、港、台、韓藝人,如李小龍周星馳林志穎李準基濱琦步等,連卡通人物蠟筆小新亦成為被模仿的對象。Sunshine Nation 2009決賽夜當晚現場氣氛熱鬧,全場觀眾拍打鮮黃色吹氣棒為Sunshine Boyz及Girlz打氣。大會司儀劉沛龍April謝展基分別以麻辣阿Sir、電眼Miss及補習天王造型出現;而大會評審則由施文嘉 (可米代表)、Joey Wong (香港Neway Star總經理)、楊雪儀 (香港小姐冠軍/電影監製) 及李方 (加拿大中文電台高級副總裁暨總經理) 擔任;李方亦以Sunshine Nation陽光學院校長的身份,於賽前勉勵眾Sunshine Boyz及Girlz,為他們打氣加油。
Sunshine Nation特別表演嘉賓HotChaWinkieCrystalRegen組成,是香港最受歡迎的女子跳舞組合,曾獲多個音樂獎項,現於歌、影、視作多方面發展,早前推出的寫真集於香港書展哄動一時。為紀念已故樂壇巨星米高積遜,她們特別排練一連串舞步,於決賽夜當晚連同2008 Sunshine Nation 冠軍Kidi 陳超、2008 Sunshine Boyz Jake龍昊然及2005 Sunshine Boyz Jackie謝展基,上演一場名為「Tribute to the King of Pop 向米高積遜致敬」的精彩舞蹈, 贏得掌聲雷動。其後HotCha再次施展其跳舞本色,大跳大唱《不要防曬》、《小野蠻》及《變大》等多首熱爆排行榜的快歌,將熱鬧氣氛推至高峰。想重溫Sunshine Nation 2009精華及幕後花絮,可瀏覽大會網頁或到YouTube、facebook、Twitter搜尋Sunshine Nation。查詢: 604-295-1234。

Happily ever after…

Saturday, August 29th, 2009

“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

Wow…What can I say, the realization of winning has finally hit me after I had a good night sleep of four hours.

Well…what I can say is thank you very much to Fairchild, teachers, and judges for making this all possible. Thank so much to my family, friends, and audience for rooting me on during the night and supporting me throughout the show.

Well I guess yesterday was the official Sunshine Nation graduation for all of us Sunshine Boys and Girls.

Alex, thanks for being a BEST friend both on stage, off stage, and right before the stage LOL! Without your support on the last day, I would not have done so well. THANKS SOO MUCH! =)

Basil, always so innocent and kind, truly a pleasure to talk too, and great company! whenever I feel sad or need a good laugh. People like you are few and far between! (and thats a good thing) =)

Iver, LOL so funny and always so carefree! You were like a big brother to me! Thanks for your advice about not feeling nervous on the stage; that advice I kept to heart and it worked! =)

Jack, first guy I met on audition, even before I made it in! Always so friendly and caring, thanks for being the longest friend in this journey, your positive attitude has really changed me! =)

Grace, thanks for being a great big sister, and your singing WAS AWESOME! =) A very kind friend who always laughed at my jokes! (That made me feel really good) Thank you for that! =)

Reika, you truly are a very understanding friend! (esp. those times when i needed your Ipod! JK) Congratulation on winning the Talent Award, you  are a really skilled and gifted girl! =)

Julia, lol SO SORRY FOR STEPPING ON YOUR TOE! Well that aside whew lol, THANKS for being  a great friend, and the best support before every opening dance, lol esp when I crash! =)

Ivy, LOL my partner for catwalk and dancing! So much fun on stage, you made every every catwalk and dance a great experience! And offstage, you were always fun to be around, partner! =)

Angel, winner of both Sunshine Girl and People’s choice Award, I guess I was right, we won it together like in rehearsal time lol! Thanks for being a great person who I could ALWAYS talk too! =)

It’s been a long journey, one that we all have taken together; and one in which we can cherish the memory of in the future. We all worked hard and had a great time and progressed greatly from where we started!

And of course, one final quote to summarize my reaction to this Sunshine Nation journey!

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened!”

And thus it ends, happily ever after…

God bless,

Jeffrey Robert Jia Liu


Saturday, August 29th, 2009


i couldn’t even walk properly at the time i heard my name…

just cuz we 10s are all so good anyone could be the champion…

we girls cried before the award..just right behind the curtain on the stage…

ivy said: i will miss u guys so much. and then we just couldn’t help..

our ssn 09’s journey is over, just as i said, there’s only 1 ssn09 but more challenges in the future…

WE 10s ^ ^ yeah, this friendship will last forever.


Saturday, August 29th, 2009
My Roses & Laptop! THX EVERYONE! <3

My Roses & Laptop! THX EVERYONE! <3

My Oniichan! *Older brother* He's in pain Lol xD
My Oniichan! *Older brother* He’s in pain Lol xD
WITH Crayon Shin-chan (:
WITH Crayon Shin-chan (:


GREAT TIME AT MJF TODAY! Just got back home (:

Thanks to all who have supported me, and YES! I have received the talent award (:

To all of those who missed AND misses my piano today, here’s a good news for you all!
I am organizing a charity concert at Chan Centre (at UBC) on September 18th!
If you want to hear me play and FOUR other PRO-er pianists, add me on facebook and ask me for the details!


Reika <3

P.S. The MCs for the concert will be me and JACK (Zhang ^^)!! Come see him too (:


Thursday, August 27th, 2009

Yes! Tomorrow’s the Finale! ARE YOU READY? ;D
All the trainings we did until now better be worth it for tomorrow’s show (:

No matter what the results may be, the experiences I have gained are irreplaceable.

“DANCE as though no one is watching you;
SING as though no one can hear you;
LOVE as though you have never been hurt before;
LIVE as though heaven is on earth;”

… SHINE as though the sun is with you (:


Doodlings starts here (:

Origami & Staples ...(:

Origami & Staples ...(:



Traditional? ;D

Traditional? ;D

Just for fun (:

Just for fun (:

Another doodle~

Another doodle~

In SAT class...

In SAT class...

No clue who this is (:

No clue who this is (:

A bit curly-haired this time x)

A bit curly-haired this time x)

From Katekyo Hitman Reborn!; Tsuna (:

From Katekyo Hitman Reborn!; Tsuna (:

For Christmas 3

For Christmas <3

Trebleclef (:

Trebleclef (:

Kittens ^^;

Kittens ^^;

HotCha in Vancouver!

Thursday, August 27th, 2009



Our guest performer HotCha has arrived in Vancouver. Insider Cindy attended the press conference to interview them. But in front of the camera, HotCha said they are SSN’s insiders!? What was going on there? Watch the video clip we’ve just got from Cindy.

HotCha Interview

Thursday, August 27th, 2009

特別表演嘉賓HotCha從香港來到溫哥華,當然是由我這位能說流利廣東話的情報員Cindy來訪問她們啦!雖然喜歡看美女的Eric嚷著要來,可是他的廣東話嘛… 由他訪問HotCha的話我擔心HotCha會以為他在講外語!


出席記者招待會的HotCha接受過本地傳媒的訪問後,也很有興趣嚐嚐當幕後情報員的滋味。她們要訪問的當然是我啦!不過那是開玩笑的啦,作為情報員我當然要了解一下跟我們十位Sunshine Boyz and Girlz同樣陽光氣息十足的HotCha來到溫哥華的感覺。


她們都說這邊的天氣和空氣都很好,Winkie還說這裡的三文魚十分好吃,有入口即溶的感覺。Crystal覺得這邊的人和工作人員十分nice和體貼,還不停問她們要不要喝水。Regen還向我們透露她覺得我們一位16歲的Sunshine Boyz十分可愛「靚仔」--她是說我們的1號Alex嗎?


Our special performers HotCha has arrived in Vancouver all the way from Hong Kong. Eric was whinning to come here to see them, but too bad, he doesn’t speak Cantonese. I’m afraid that HotCha would think he’s speaking some foreign language if he comes interview them. Oh well, Eric, it’s alright, I have made this clip for ya.

And what’s funny is HotCha said that they are Sunshine Nation’s Insiders, and they were going to interview me! LOL. It was a joke, of course. As a REAL insider, I talked to them and asked them about their first impressions of Vancouver. Yes, this is their first time here.

They really like the weather here, and Winkie said she loves the local salmon coz it melts in your mouth! Crystal feels that the people here are very nice. And what’s more, Regen told us she thinks one of our Sunshine Boyz, the one who is 16,  is very cute. Hm? Isn’t she talking about #1 Alex?

Watch the video clip for more!


Thursday, August 27th, 2009

感冒,扁桃腺发炎,愿主保佑我明天发挥正常。。。 。。。




 虽然比赛过后可能会各忙各的无法像现在这样经常见面,但我相信我们会是永远的朋友 ^ ^





总之希望每一个人都会从这场比赛里有所收获。比赛结束后,好好放松身心吧 ^ ^


以上 Angel

幕後情報員直擊Sunshine Boyz + Girlz親親小白鯨!
Insiders’ Report – Sunshine Boyz + Girlz met baluga!

Thursday, August 27th, 2009


幕後情報員Eric和Cindy直擊報道Sunshine Boyz and Girlz 前往溫哥華水族館探望小白鯨,還特地拍攝了短片。去看看吧

SSN Insiders Eric and Cindy followed the boyz and girlz to Vancouver Aquarium to meet the new born baluga. Watch the clip in the Insiders’ page.

直擊Sunshine Boyz and Girlz親親小白鯨!

Thursday, August 27th, 2009


這次我和Cindy和好,一同合作直擊Sunshine Boyz and Girlz親親小白鯨的情況。

話說那天記者會結束後,大會特別安排了10位Sunshine Boyz and Girlz前往溫哥華水族館 (Vancouver Aquarium),探望剛出生不久的小白鯨(Baluga)。作為情報員的我和Cindy當然要追蹤的情況。




That day after Sunshine Nation 2009’s press conference, I and Cindy followed the crew and the boyz + girlz to Vancouver Aquarium to meet the new born baluga. It was raining, but our boyz and girlz brought their sunshine spirit to the aquarium! After that, they had fun playing with the baluga plush dolls while our photographer took pictures of them and the baluga. It was fun! Watch the clip below for our report.