Archive for June, 2009

TVC Behind-The-Scene

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

The INSIDERS got on location of the Sunshine Nation 2009 television commercial (TVC) pretty early! We (yes there are TWO of us!) got up really early and were on location at 9am. Where were we? That we promised we can’t tell. But as you can see, it’s probably a school.


一來到就看到去年的Sunshine Boyz和Girlz已經打扮得美美帥帥的,這都是形像指導Brian和Barbara的功勞啦!。首先是他們在電視廣告一開始時對著鏡頭酷酷的講「Sunshine Nation Recruitment Begins!」的部份。可能是還很早的關係,他們都吃了不少NG的說 =.= 。不過沒關係,他們都很專業的完成了這部份的拍攝。看YingYing還笑得那麼開心!難道你還不感覺到Sunshine嗎?
Once we got there, we ran into last year’s Sunshine Boyz and Girlz and they looked mighty fine (thanks to the help of the SSN stylists Brian and Barbara)! The first thing our ’starz’ gotta do was to look cool and each said a word of the opening lines of the TVC, which was “Sunshine Nation Recruitment Begins!”. Maybe it was still early, it took a while to get the right take. Even though it took longer than expected, everyone was being very professional. Just take a look at YingYing! She looks so happy, can you feeeel the Sunshine?!


The next scene they gotta do was the Cheerleading scene with all sorts of tricks. Kidi had to pick up Anna and spin around and it was beautifully done! It took a couple of shots from different angles to get the perfect turn. After this shot, Anna’s got a huge red grip mark on her waist from Kidi! It definitely looks easier on camera!


Then the whole crew moved indoor and filmed the street dancing scene in gymnasium. Everyone looked kinda stiff… cuz it’s almost lunch time and probably they got kinda tired from all the excessive jumping and turning and spinning from the previous shot! But eventually everyone got back in mood once we got the party started! Even the dancers took advantage of the hyperness and did some solo moves for the shot!


吃過午餐(大會提供的,很美味哦)之後,一眾美女便要在圖書館裡跳舞了。甚麼?在圖書館?跳舞?對啊,這樣才能突顯「舞動校園」的感覺啊!你會有機會在學校裡看到漂亮的美眉在圖書館裡笑容滿面的跳舞嗎?不會吧?所以就要看好Sunshine Nation的電視廣告了!不過拍攝之前Sunshine Girlz們看起來都正經八百的。當然了,她們都要小心聽好擔任舞蹈編排的YingYing老師的指示,把每一個動作完美演繹。
After lunch, the girls had a head start with the dancing scene in the library. Yup you read it, dancing in the library, that’s right! This is how we showcase the theme of  Sunshine Nation 2009.  We bet you rarely see pretty (pretty and hot) girls dancing in the library! Make sure you check out the TVC to see how we did! But before the camera started rolling, Anna, Mayanne, and all the dancers were very attentative to our choreographer YingYing’s demonstration. It takes a little more to get that perfect shot!


最後一個場景了!Sunshine Boyz和Girlz穿起特別訂造的「校服」,一字排開酷酷的走在走廊上。氣勢很強是吧?
And here we are onto the last scene! Kidi, Mayanne, Anna, and YingYing put on some very stylish school uniform that showed off their personal style. Can you feel their fierceness when they strutted down the corridor? Oh they were fierceeeee!!!

為了招攬一眾具有Sunshine氣息的少男少女參加Sunshine Nation,製作組花了不少心機拍攝出酷酷的電視廣告,感動了吧?看起來很好玩對吧?如果你也想參與這麼好玩的電視廣告的拍攝--是有機會的!參加Sunshine Nation 2009吧!到時我們也會替入圍的Sunshine Boyz和Girlz拍攝宣傳廣告哦!
Our Fairchild Radio crew spent so much time in producing the Sunshine Nation 2009 TVC,  hoping to encourage more of you to join us! If you like what you saw and would like to be a part of Sunshine Nation 2009, and be one step closer to the world of entertainment in Asia, now it’s your chance! Sign up for Sunshine Nation 2009! We will also be making a commercial with the chosen ones of this year’s Sunshine Nation!

Oh there are more snaps on the making of the TVC posted in the Gallery section! Make sure you go check them out! Peace.

Recruitment TVC Behind The Scene

Monday, June 29th, 2009

Sunshine Nation 是加拿大中文電台一年一度的盛事,招募廣告的製作自然一絲不苟。為了營造出充滿活力的「舞動校園」感覺,製作組花了整整12小時進行拍攝,16小時進行剪接和後期工作! 參予拍攝的 Sunshine Nation 2008 得獎者及一眾 dancers 更是落力演出,配合導演跳出動感十足的舞姿! 以下是Sunshine Nation 幕後情報員於當天捕捉的幕後花絮…

A 60-second Sunshine Nation 2009 recruitment television commercial means 12 hours of shooting and 16 hours of editing! Lots of work, eh? But we all like what is playing now on Fairchild TV and Talentvision.  Here are some behind-the-scene photos the Sunshine Nation Insiders had captured during  the shooting…

Winter Warm Wave TVC

Friday, June 26th, 2009

Sunshine Nation每年的得獎者都充滿愛心,並擔當起「暖流大使」的任務,替加拿大中文電台與救世軍合辦的《寒衣送暖流》活動宣傳。去年,這個任務由冠軍Kidi陳超和Mayanne麥美恩擔任。他們想盡辦法勸人捐出衣物,到底他們有甚麼法寶呢?

Winter Warm Wave 2008 television commercial starring Sunshine Nation 2008 Champion Kidi and Charisma Award winner Mayanne Mak.

“Overwhelmed” Music Video

Friday, June 26th, 2009

第十三屆加拿大中文歌曲創作大賽冠軍作品《想太得多》,由Sunshine Nation 2008冠軍Kidi陳超和才藝大獎得主YingYing王瑩瑩演出的MV。看兩人於寧靜小鎮談情的甜蜜演出,乍看還以為他們真的是一對情侶呢!

Music video of SQ13’s champion song “Overwhelmed”, starring Sunshine Nation 2008 Champion Kidi and Talent Award winner YingYing.

[N] Join Facebook

Friday, June 26th, 2009

聽說加入Sunshine Nation的Facebook有「好康」…
“Surprised Goodies” for joining SSN’s Facebook Page?

Thursday, June 25th, 2009


大家應該有留意到今年Sunshine Nation正式進攻Facebook,成立於Facebook的官方宣傳頁。裡面除了有最新的SSN資訊外,據說還不只這麼簡單…

根據我情報員的資料,Sunshine Nation的Facebook宣傳頁遲些還會有些「好康」 (唔~即係香港所講既 「著數」) 送給加入成為「粉絲」的朋友們…。到底是甚麼呢?不管了,先加入再說吧!待我有消息會即時向大家報料…

情報員還有一個建議: 你可以在Facebook宣傳頁上傳你漂亮/帥帥的照片!說不定你會找到你的提名人呢…

As you may have noticed, Sunshine Nation has created an official Facebook page this year. There are latest updates, interesting photos and videos inside. What’s more, you can interact with other fans. So start your discussion topics there and let the fun begins! Post your pretty/handsome… or pretty handsome pictures too — who knows — maybe you’ll find your nominator there!

I’ve also heard that there will be “surprised goodies” for those who join the Facebook page too. Dunno much details about that yet, will keep you updated once I gather more info. See you there.

我就是… 幕後情報員
Hello from the Insider(s)

Thursday, June 25th, 2009

各位Sunshine Nation的子民,各位好。我是Sunshine Nation幕後情報員。我的名字叫….唔,現在還不能告訴你們,反正我會在這裡向各網友率先披露Sunshine Nation 2009最新、最鮮為人知、最勁爆的幕前幕後消息。想看到我的爆料,一定要經常留意Sunshine Nation 2009官網…

不知道我是誰吧?是的,我的身份的確有點神秘。想知道我的身份,留意Sunshine Nation 2009官網的最新update吧!

So you’re wondering what is this “Insiders’ Report” (note that “s” in “Insiders”) thingy all about… Well I’m not allowed to reveal my (/our) identity(ies) yet… But if you’re looking for the latest news / secrets / insider’s gossips of Sunshine Nation 2009, you’ve reached the right page!

Check out this page often for more info… I will update as much as I can.

Sunshine Nation 2009 招募廣告 (國語)
Recruitment TVC (Mandarin)

Thursday, June 25th, 2009

為配合「舞動校園」這個主題,於電視宣傳片中,2008 Sunshine Nation冠軍Kidi陳超Anna吳安娜,連同才藝大獎及我最喜愛Sunshine大獎得主Ying Ying王瑩瑩及最具魅力大獎得主Mayanne麥美恩,穿上校服以師兄師姐身份,穿梭於校園每個角落載歌載舞,鼓勵活力澎湃的亞裔男女加入Sunshine Nation這個大家庭。

感受到Sunshine Nation的熱情了嗎?還不快點報名參加?

Recruitment TV commercial starring Sunshine Nation 2008 Champions Kidi, Anna, “People’s Choice Award” winner YingYing and “Charisma Award” winner Mayanne.

Sunshine Nation 2009 招募廣告 (粵語)
Recruitment TVC (Cantonese)

Thursday, June 25th, 2009

為配合「舞動校園」這個主題,於電視宣傳片中,2008 Sunshine Nation冠軍Kidi陳超Anna吳安娜,連同才藝大獎及我最喜愛Sunshine大獎得主Ying Ying王瑩瑩及最具魅力大獎得主Mayanne麥美恩,穿上校服以師兄師姐身份,穿梭於校園每個角落載歌載舞,鼓勵活力澎湃的亞裔男女加入Sunshine Nation這個大家庭。

感受到Sunshine Nation的熱情了嗎?還不快點報名參加?

Recruitment TV commercial starring Sunshine Nation 2008 Champions Kidi, Anna, “People’s Choice Award” winner YingYing and “Charisma Award” winner Mayanne.

Join Sunshine Nation & win fabulous prizes
青春魅力 舞動校園 Sunshine Nation 邀你加盟

Wednesday, June 24th, 2009

自信的個性、燦爛的笑容、活潑的身影,一群年青人在節拍強勁的音樂帶領下,於校園內舞動著青春的氣息,跳出了時代的動感,這正是今年Sunshine Nation的主題 – 「舞動校園」。

為配合這個主題,於日前拍攝的電視宣傳片中,2008 Sunshine Nation冠軍Kidi陳超(右二)Anna吳安娜(左二),連同才藝大獎及我最喜愛Sunshine大獎Ying Ying王瑩瑩(右一)及最具魅力大獎Mayanne麥美恩(左一),穿上校服以師兄師姐身份,穿梭於校園每個角落載歌載舞,鼓勵活力澎湃的亞裔男女加入Sunshine Nation這個大家庭。而於宣傳海報中,KidiAnnaYing YingMayanne則穿上畢業袍,代表學有所成之餘,亦代表他們藉著踏上Sunshine Nation,準備展開下一個光輝的旅程,仿如大師兄辰亦儒般於亞洲發展璀璨奪目的歌唱演藝事業。

只要你介乎16至25歲、父母其中一方是亞裔,既有自信又對演藝有濃厚興趣的話,請於截止日期7月17日前報名參加由加拿大中文電台及「可米製作 / 流星花園製作公司」主辦的2009 Sunshine Nation,把自己的人生改寫! 今年Sunshine Nation的獎金獎品特別豐富,包括$1,000獎學金、來回亞洲機票、日本關東風情六日遊、洛磯山豪華遊、最新型號手機及時裝購物代用券等,最重要是可以擔任MV主角、成為雜誌封面人物及有機會前赴亞洲演出偶像電視劇。

為鼓勵更多俊男美女報名參加Sunshine Nation,今年大會新增設總值$400提名人獎。觀察身旁的朋友家人,若發覺他們具冠軍相,不妨提名他們參加,既能証明你獨具慧眼,又有機會贏取豐富獎金。

Do you know someone between the ages of 16-25 who’s prepped and ready to become the next Asian superstar? If so, you could both be eligible for some fabulous prizes from Fairchild Radio’s Sunshine Nation contest! This year the Sunshine Nation class of 2009 will be moving to the rhythm of High School Musical and the finalists will be celebrating their graduation with music, song and dance on stage at the Michael J. Fox Theatre on August 28th.

The High School Musical franchise has been extremely popular over the past few years due to the superb acting, singing and dancing talents of its young stars. This year’s Sunshine Nation contest is looking to recruit young people with exceptional style who are capable of the high-energy performances comparable to those seen in High School Musical!

For the last eleven years Fairchild Radio has been seeking out outstanding talent and offering fascinating opportunities to young people in the community. Having started with the Sunshine Girlz competition in 1999, which gave young women the chance to sing, dance and perform their way into the attention of leading talent scouts, it was then decided that their male counterparts should also get a chance, and the contest was transformed into the Sunshine Boyz in 2002, giving young men the same opportunity to pursue their dreams of stardom.

Finally in 2006, a whole new vision was formed, uniting Girlz and Boyz together in one Sunshine Nation. Some Sunshine alumni have taken on exciting careers in the entertainment business in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. Most notably, the 2004 Sunshine Boyz Champion, Calvin Chen who is now one of the members of the hottest boy group in Taiwan, Fahrenheit.

Contestants in this year’s Sunshine Nation contest will be eligible to win cash scholarships, round trip tickets to Asia, 6-day guided tours to Japan, deluxe tour packages to the Rockies, and have the opportunity to launch an acting career in Asia and star in a music video. The Boyz and Girlz Champions of Sunshine Nation will also be featured on the cover of the nationally distributed Popular Lifestyle and Entertainment Magazine and receive Samsung Propel cell phones, fashion certificates and other valuable prizes.

In addition, Fairchild Radio not only wants to award the winners of the contest, but also wishes to show its appreciation to those individuals who recognize genuine talent by offering a $200 cash prize to the nominator of the Sunshine Boyz Champion and $200 to the nominator of the Sunshine Girlz Champion. The contest is organized by Fairchild Radio, in cooperation with Comic Productions/Meteor Garden Production, which produces popular dramas in Asia.

The deadline for applications is July 17th, 2009, so download an application online or pick up an entry form in person at Aberdeen Centre at 2090-4151 Hazelbridge Way in Richmond as soon as possible. For more information contact Fairchild Radio at 604-295-1234 or browse around here on our official website!

自信的個性、燦爛的笑容、活潑的身影,一群年青人在節拍強勁的音樂帶領下,於校園內舞動著青春的氣息,跳出了時代的動感,這正是今年Sunshine Nation的主題 – 「舞動校園」。

為配合「舞動校園」這個主題,於日前拍攝的電視宣傳片中,2008 Sunshine Nation冠軍Kidi陳超(右二)Anna吳安娜(左二),連同才藝大獎及我最喜愛Sunshine大獎Ying Ying王瑩瑩(右一)及最具魅力大獎Mayanne麥美恩(左一),穿上校服以師兄師姐身份,穿梭於校園每個角落載歌載舞,鼓勵活力澎湃的亞裔男女加入Sunshine Nation這個大家庭。而於宣傳海報中,KidiAnnaYing YingMayanne則穿上畢業袍,代表學有所成之餘,亦代表他們藉著踏上Sunshine Nation,準備展開下一個光輝的旅程,仿如大師兄辰亦儒般於亞洲發展璀璨奪目的歌唱演藝事業。

只要你介乎16至25歲、父母其中一方是亞裔,既有自信又對演藝有濃厚興趣的話,請於截止日期7月17日前報名參加由加拿大中文電台及「可米製作 / 流星花園製作公司」主辦的2009 Sunshine Nation,把自己的人生改寫! 今年Sunshine Nation的獎金獎品特別豐富,包括$1,000獎學金、來回亞洲機票、日本關東風情六日遊、洛磯山豪華遊、最新型號手機及時裝購物代用券等,最重要是可以擔任MV主角、成為雜誌封面人物及有機會前赴亞洲演出偶像電視劇。

為鼓勵更多俊男美女報名參加Sunshine Nation,今年大會新增設$400提名人獎。觀察身旁的朋友家人,若發覺他們具冠軍相,不妨提名他們參加,既能証明你獨具慧眼,又有機會贏取豐富獎金。