10位陽光學院的成員將於8月28日舉行Sunshine Nation決賽夜中穿梭於閃耀亮麗的舞台上,將自我風格及個人氣質展現出來,競逐冠軍及多個獎項。請即投選您最喜愛Sunshine Boyz或 Girlz ,得票最高的參賽者將獲得「Brian Jessel BMW 我最喜愛Sunshine大獎」殊榮。

所有參與投票者均有機會贏取由Brian Jessel BMW 送出$300 Brian Jessel BMW精品店現金代用券。截止日期: 8月27日。得獎者將獲專人通知領取獎品。

10 glamorous Sunshine Boyz & Girlz are going to compete for the Champions and other awards at the Sunshien Nation Finale on August 28. You can rewrite their future by voting for the "Brian Jessel BMW People's Choice Award". The contestant with the highest votes will be honoured with this special award, and everyone who participates in the voting will enter to win a valuable prize sponsored by Brian Jessel BMW.

Take action now! Voting deadline: August 27, 2009. The winner will be notified by the organizer to receive the prize.
* 加拿大中文電台及Brian Jessel BMW將保存投票者資料作「Brian Jessel BMW我最喜愛Sunshine大獎 」之用。所有資料將絕對保密並於投票結束後銷毀。
*Fairchild Radio and Brian Jessel BMW shall retain the Voters' personal information for the purpose of coordinating "Brian Jessel BMW People's Choice Award". All information shall be kept confidential and destroyed when the voting is completed.