要成為閃亮耀眼的Sunshine Boyz和Sunshine Girlz一點都不簡單。各參賽者的心路歷程到底如何?當中又有多少苦與樂?十位 Sunshine Boyz和Sunshine Girlz會在他/她們的網誌中一一透露。

各Sunshine Boyz和Girlz的支持者,甚至粉絲們,都可以在他們的Blog留言,替他們打打氣哦!

You can find out more of our 10 finalists from their very own blogs, and get to know more about their ambitions and background from their profile. From going into the audition to making the commercial, from being interviewed to going to training sessions, see what it is like to be a Sunshine Boyz and a Sunshine Girlz.
At the same time, you can leave them comments and encouragements. You know, a little push goes a long long way!
除了一眾Sunshine Boyz和Girlz在blog上分享參加Sunshine Nation的感受,我們的製作組也特別開了一個專屬的Blog分享整個SSN製作過程的苦與樂。有興趣探索幕後的朋友,便快到我們的 Crew's Blog 瀏覽看看吧!

Also, take a sneak peek at the creative process of the entire production and get exclusive backstage action from our crew's blog! We are walking on Sunshine!

Happily ever after…

“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” Wow…What can I...

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  Posted:August 29th, 2009  |  by jeffrey


APPRECIATE!! EVERYONE!! i couldn’t even walk properly at the time i heard my name… just cuz we 10s are all so good anyone could be the champion… we girls...

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  Posted:August 29th, 2009  |  by Angel Mo


My Oniichan! *Older brother* He’s in pain Lol xD WITH Crayon Shin-chan (:    GREAT TIME AT MJF TODAY! Just got back home (: Thanks to all who have...

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  Posted:August 29th, 2009  |  by reika


Yes! Tomorrow’s the Finale! ARE YOU READY? ;D All the trainings we did until now better be worth it for tomorrow’s show (: No matter what the...

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  Posted:August 27th, 2009  |  by reika



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  Posted:August 27th, 2009  |  by admin



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  Posted:August 27th, 2009  |  by Grace

No regrets!

“The only thing you live to regret are the risks you didn’t take” A month has already gone by ever since audition day. The day where...

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  Posted:August 26th, 2009  |  by jeffrey

FINAL REHEARSAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

明天就是我們的final rehearsal 了!!!!!!!!! 沒有很緊張 沒有很興奮 也沒有很怎樣的心情 這次一定要努力做好這次的彩排!!!!!! 因為上次rehearsal 又忘記舞步 又忘記這個那個的!!! 所以明天要加油了!!!! WOOO...

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  Posted:August 25th, 2009  |  by ivy


嘿嘿...為大家介紹一下一直跟我表演的好朋友>>>> 首先要介紹的是 FREDDY!!!!每次表演音樂 排舞 服裝 頭發 化妝...

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  Posted:August 25th, 2009  |  by admin

Crystal Mall talent show + 生日

嘿嘿..很久沒有更新我的blog了...前天是我們的talent show 感覺還ok...沒有說很緊張...rehearsal 的時候還比較怕...

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  Posted:August 25th, 2009  |  by ivy