直擊Sunshine Boyz and Girlz親親小白鯨!
Posted:August 27th, 2009 | by admin
這次我和Cindy和好,一同合作直擊Sunshine Boyz and Girlz親親小白鯨的情況。
話說那天記者會結束後,大會特別安排了10位Sunshine Boyz and Girlz前往溫哥華水族館 (Vancouver Aquarium),探望剛出生不久的小白鯨(Baluga)。作為情報員的我和Cindy當然要追蹤的情況。
That day after Sunshine Nation 2009’s press conference, I and Cindy followed the crew and the boyz + girlz to Vancouver Aquarium to meet the new born baluga. It was raining, but our boyz and girlz brought their sunshine spirit to the aquarium! After that, they had fun playing with the baluga plush dolls while our photographer took pictures of them and the baluga. It was fun! Watch the clip below for our report.