HotCha Interview


Posted:August 27th, 2009  |  by admin

特別表演嘉賓HotCha從香港來到溫哥華,當然是由我這位能說流利廣東話的情報員Cindy來訪問她們啦!雖然喜歡看美女的Eric嚷著要來,可是他的廣東話嘛… 由他訪問HotCha的話我擔心HotCha會以為他在講外語!


出席記者招待會的HotCha接受過本地傳媒的訪問後,也很有興趣嚐嚐當幕後情報員的滋味。她們要訪問的當然是我啦!不過那是開玩笑的啦,作為情報員我當然要了解一下跟我們十位Sunshine Boyz and Girlz同樣陽光氣息十足的HotCha來到溫哥華的感覺。


她們都說這邊的天氣和空氣都很好,Winkie還說這裡的三文魚十分好吃,有入口即溶的感覺。Crystal覺得這邊的人和工作人員十分nice和體貼,還不停問她們要不要喝水。Regen還向我們透露她覺得我們一位16歲的Sunshine Boyz十分可愛「靚仔」--她是說我們的1號Alex嗎?


Our special performers HotCha has arrived in Vancouver all the way from Hong Kong. Eric was whinning to come here to see them, but too bad, he doesn’t speak Cantonese. I’m afraid that HotCha would think he’s speaking some foreign language if he comes interview them. Oh well, Eric, it’s alright, I have made this clip for ya.

And what’s funny is HotCha said that they are Sunshine Nation’s Insiders, and they were going to interview me! LOL. It was a joke, of course. As a REAL insider, I talked to them and asked them about their first impressions of Vancouver. Yes, this is their first time here.

They really like the weather here, and Winkie said she loves the local salmon coz it melts in your mouth! Crystal feels that the people here are very nice. And what’s more, Regen told us she thinks one of our Sunshine Boyz, the one who is 16,  is very cute. Hm? Isn’t she talking about #1 Alex?

Watch the video clip for more!