我就是… 幕後情報員
Hello from the Insider(s)


Posted:June 25th, 2009  |  by admin

各位Sunshine Nation的子民,各位好。我是Sunshine Nation幕後情報員。我的名字叫….唔,現在還不能告訴你們,反正我會在這裡向各網友率先披露Sunshine Nation 2009最新、最鮮為人知、最勁爆的幕前幕後消息。想看到我的爆料,一定要經常留意Sunshine Nation 2009官網…

不知道我是誰吧?是的,我的身份的確有點神秘。想知道我的身份,留意Sunshine Nation 2009官網的最新update吧!

So you’re wondering what is this “Insiders’ Report” (note that “s” in “Insiders”) thingy all about… Well I’m not allowed to reveal my (/our) identity(ies) yet… But if you’re looking for the latest news / secrets / insider’s gossips of Sunshine Nation 2009, you’ve reached the right page!

Check out this page often for more info… I will update as much as I can.