Archive for the ‘whatsnew’ Category

救助台灣水災災民 Sunshine Nation門票收益將撥捐賑災之用
All proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to help victims in Taiwan

Monday, August 17th, 2009


風雨無情,人間有愛。為幫助台灣莫拉克風災災民,加拿大中文電台決定將Sunshine Nation 2009所有門票收益撥捐作賑災之用。現在你也可以出一分力,向災民伸出援手。購買Sunshine Nation 2009門票,除了可以現場感受精采的比賽過程,欣賞香港新一代青春跳舞組合Hotcha載歌載舞,見證新一代Sunshine Boyz和Sunshine Girlz的誕生之外,更可以做善事,幫助這次風災有需要的人。


Sunshine Nation CARES. As part of the global community, Fairchild Radio has decided that all proceeds from the ticket sales of Sunshine Nation 2009 will be donated to help the victims of typhoon Morakot in Taiwan. So now YOU can help. Buy tickets to watch Sunshine Nation 2009, enjoy the spectacular performances of our finalists and guest performers Hotcha, and contribute to the donation that will help the victims in Taiwan.

Tickets are $30 each. You may buy tickets at Fairchild Radio’s office at Aberdeen Centre in Richmond. Click here to see the address.

Sunshine Nation 2009 十強誕生!!
Meet our 10 Finalists!

Monday, August 10th, 2009

Sunshine Nation 2009 十強現已正式誕生! 本網站亦隨即進行了更新,加入十強的個人檔案、Blog等等更多精采版面。快到「學員檔案」看看我們Class of 2009的真面目吧!之後你還可以投票選出你喜愛的Sunshine Boyz / Girlz,讓他/她贏取「Brian Jessel BMW我最喜愛Sunshine大獎」!我們的「最新人氣排行榜」會每日更新哦。

Sunshine Nation 2009’s 10 finalists are here! Our official site now includes their profiles, blogs, and more exciting contents! Take a closer look on our Class of 2009 in the “Profiles” section! Remember to vote for your favorite one in “Brian Jessel BMW People’s Choice Award”! Our Popularity Top 5 chart updates everyday!


Monday, August 10th, 2009


SUNSHINE NATION經已踏入第11年,過去10年,100位Sunshine Boyz & Girlz畢業於這所陽光學院,學有所成之餘並向自己的理想進發,今年的10位尖子生現正積極裝備自己,接受一連串密集式訓練,把體能、儀態、舞蹈、口才及舞台演繹等發揮至極限,務求於SUNSHINE NATION決賽夜中大放光芒。

由加拿大中文電台及「可米製作/流星花園製作公司」主辦、以動感活力、校園生活為主題的 SUNSHINE NATION 2009決賽將於8月28日晚假Michael J. Fox Theatre舉行。今年的10位Sunshine Boyz &Girlz平均年齡只有17.5歲,是歷屆中最年輕的。 他們各有本領,Alex是Ballroom Dance能手、Angel閑時愛寫歌、Basil喜愛彈琴、Ivy擅長跳Hip-Hop、Grace甚有語言天份、Iver畢業於飛機維修工程學系、Jack是籃球高手、Jeffrey精通多種樂器、Julia擅彈琵琶、而Reika則是個日本通。想知道更多他們的個人資料及幕後情報員提供的獨家花絮,請留意本網站,或到Youtube、facebook、Twitter搜尋SUNSHINE NATION的最新動向。加入SUNSHINE NATION facebook成為粉絲,有機會贏取SUNSHINE NATION決賽夜入場券。

日前(8月10日),10位帥哥美女出席新聞發佈會首次與傳媒會面,他們除了向嘉賓介紹自己外,亦展示了他們青春活力的一面,陽光燦爛般的笑容謀殺了不少記者的菲林。8月22日(星期六)2:30pm,他們將現身本拿比麗晶廣場參與SUNSHINE NATION才藝表演,向粉絲及現場觀眾拉票,當日的現場觀眾更有機會贏取由羅渣士無綫通訊送出的最新型號手機一部。聽眾亦可到大會網頁投選「Brian Jessel BMW我最喜愛SUNSHINE大獎」,贏取$300 Brian Jessel BMW精品店現金代用券。

SUNSHINE NATION 2009決賽夜邀請到4位重量級評判,包括台灣可米製作股份有限公司代表施文嘉、香港Neway Star總經理Joey Wong、香港小姐楊雪儀及加拿大中文電台高級副總裁暨總經理李方;至於特別表演嘉賓,為配合今年SUNSHINE NATION動感校園的主題,請來香港最受歡迎跳舞女子組合HOTCHA。HOTCHA於香港音樂頒獎禮中獲得不少獎項,除了「IFPI最暢銷本地新人組合獎」、「新城勁爆組合大獎」、「叱吒樂壇新力軍組合金獎」、「十大勁歌金曲最受歡迎組合獎」、「YAHOO!搜尋人氣本地音樂女子組合大獎」等,更得到香港「四台聯頒音樂卓越表現大獎金獎」。她們的人氣亦遠至加拿大全國,於2007年出道後不久,HOTCHA即獲得由加國樂迷投票的「加拿大至HiT中文歌曲排行榜全國推崇新組合獎」。

想與HOTCHA近距離接觸及為Sunshine Boyz & Girlz打氣,請親臨加拿大中文電台時代坊辦事處購買SUNSHINE NATION決賽夜門票,詳情請電604-295-1234。

面試日花絮 Twitter全回顧!
Check out our Twitter for SSN Audition Recap!

Saturday, July 18th, 2009

我們的Twitter於Sunshine Nation 2009 面試日當天進行過現場直擊報導。現在你可以於我們的Twitter回顧當天的精采花絮。

Check out our Twitter for the recap of Sunshine Nation 2009 audition day!

Sunshine Nation 2009 面試日最新情報盡在Twitter!
Check out our Twitter for instant updates of the audition day!

Saturday, July 18th, 2009

注意!Sunshine Nation 2009的面試日將在今天下午1點鐘開始。屆時Sunshine Nation的Twitter將會即時更新面試日的最新情況!快點追蹤我們的Twitter吧!

Check out Sunshine Nation 2009’s Twitter for instant updates of the audition day today! Follow us now!

Sunshine Nation 2009 已截止報名
Sunshine Nation 2009 Recruitment ended

Saturday, July 18th, 2009

Sunshine Nation 2009已經截止報名了。感謝各位支持! 報了名參加的朋友,面試日當天見囉!10位Sunshine Boyz和Girlz即將閃亮登場!
Sunshine Nation 2009 recruitment has ended.  Thank you all for your support! To those who have applied, we’ll see you on the audition day! Stay tuned for our 10 Sunshine Boyz and Girlz!

Join Sunshine Nation & win fabulous prizes
青春魅力 舞動校園 Sunshine Nation 邀你加盟

Wednesday, June 24th, 2009

自信的個性、燦爛的笑容、活潑的身影,一群年青人在節拍強勁的音樂帶領下,於校園內舞動著青春的氣息,跳出了時代的動感,這正是今年Sunshine Nation的主題 – 「舞動校園」。

為配合這個主題,於日前拍攝的電視宣傳片中,2008 Sunshine Nation冠軍Kidi陳超(右二)Anna吳安娜(左二),連同才藝大獎及我最喜愛Sunshine大獎Ying Ying王瑩瑩(右一)及最具魅力大獎Mayanne麥美恩(左一),穿上校服以師兄師姐身份,穿梭於校園每個角落載歌載舞,鼓勵活力澎湃的亞裔男女加入Sunshine Nation這個大家庭。而於宣傳海報中,KidiAnnaYing YingMayanne則穿上畢業袍,代表學有所成之餘,亦代表他們藉著踏上Sunshine Nation,準備展開下一個光輝的旅程,仿如大師兄辰亦儒般於亞洲發展璀璨奪目的歌唱演藝事業。

只要你介乎16至25歲、父母其中一方是亞裔,既有自信又對演藝有濃厚興趣的話,請於截止日期7月17日前報名參加由加拿大中文電台及「可米製作 / 流星花園製作公司」主辦的2009 Sunshine Nation,把自己的人生改寫! 今年Sunshine Nation的獎金獎品特別豐富,包括$1,000獎學金、來回亞洲機票、日本關東風情六日遊、洛磯山豪華遊、最新型號手機及時裝購物代用券等,最重要是可以擔任MV主角、成為雜誌封面人物及有機會前赴亞洲演出偶像電視劇。

為鼓勵更多俊男美女報名參加Sunshine Nation,今年大會新增設總值$400提名人獎。觀察身旁的朋友家人,若發覺他們具冠軍相,不妨提名他們參加,既能証明你獨具慧眼,又有機會贏取豐富獎金。

Do you know someone between the ages of 16-25 who’s prepped and ready to become the next Asian superstar? If so, you could both be eligible for some fabulous prizes from Fairchild Radio’s Sunshine Nation contest! This year the Sunshine Nation class of 2009 will be moving to the rhythm of High School Musical and the finalists will be celebrating their graduation with music, song and dance on stage at the Michael J. Fox Theatre on August 28th.

The High School Musical franchise has been extremely popular over the past few years due to the superb acting, singing and dancing talents of its young stars. This year’s Sunshine Nation contest is looking to recruit young people with exceptional style who are capable of the high-energy performances comparable to those seen in High School Musical!

For the last eleven years Fairchild Radio has been seeking out outstanding talent and offering fascinating opportunities to young people in the community. Having started with the Sunshine Girlz competition in 1999, which gave young women the chance to sing, dance and perform their way into the attention of leading talent scouts, it was then decided that their male counterparts should also get a chance, and the contest was transformed into the Sunshine Boyz in 2002, giving young men the same opportunity to pursue their dreams of stardom.

Finally in 2006, a whole new vision was formed, uniting Girlz and Boyz together in one Sunshine Nation. Some Sunshine alumni have taken on exciting careers in the entertainment business in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. Most notably, the 2004 Sunshine Boyz Champion, Calvin Chen who is now one of the members of the hottest boy group in Taiwan, Fahrenheit.

Contestants in this year’s Sunshine Nation contest will be eligible to win cash scholarships, round trip tickets to Asia, 6-day guided tours to Japan, deluxe tour packages to the Rockies, and have the opportunity to launch an acting career in Asia and star in a music video. The Boyz and Girlz Champions of Sunshine Nation will also be featured on the cover of the nationally distributed Popular Lifestyle and Entertainment Magazine and receive Samsung Propel cell phones, fashion certificates and other valuable prizes.

In addition, Fairchild Radio not only wants to award the winners of the contest, but also wishes to show its appreciation to those individuals who recognize genuine talent by offering a $200 cash prize to the nominator of the Sunshine Boyz Champion and $200 to the nominator of the Sunshine Girlz Champion. The contest is organized by Fairchild Radio, in cooperation with Comic Productions/Meteor Garden Production, which produces popular dramas in Asia.

The deadline for applications is July 17th, 2009, so download an application online or pick up an entry form in person at Aberdeen Centre at 2090-4151 Hazelbridge Way in Richmond as soon as possible. For more information contact Fairchild Radio at 604-295-1234 or browse around here on our official website!

自信的個性、燦爛的笑容、活潑的身影,一群年青人在節拍強勁的音樂帶領下,於校園內舞動著青春的氣息,跳出了時代的動感,這正是今年Sunshine Nation的主題 – 「舞動校園」。

為配合「舞動校園」這個主題,於日前拍攝的電視宣傳片中,2008 Sunshine Nation冠軍Kidi陳超(右二)Anna吳安娜(左二),連同才藝大獎及我最喜愛Sunshine大獎Ying Ying王瑩瑩(右一)及最具魅力大獎Mayanne麥美恩(左一),穿上校服以師兄師姐身份,穿梭於校園每個角落載歌載舞,鼓勵活力澎湃的亞裔男女加入Sunshine Nation這個大家庭。而於宣傳海報中,KidiAnnaYing YingMayanne則穿上畢業袍,代表學有所成之餘,亦代表他們藉著踏上Sunshine Nation,準備展開下一個光輝的旅程,仿如大師兄辰亦儒般於亞洲發展璀璨奪目的歌唱演藝事業。

只要你介乎16至25歲、父母其中一方是亞裔,既有自信又對演藝有濃厚興趣的話,請於截止日期7月17日前報名參加由加拿大中文電台及「可米製作 / 流星花園製作公司」主辦的2009 Sunshine Nation,把自己的人生改寫! 今年Sunshine Nation的獎金獎品特別豐富,包括$1,000獎學金、來回亞洲機票、日本關東風情六日遊、洛磯山豪華遊、最新型號手機及時裝購物代用券等,最重要是可以擔任MV主角、成為雜誌封面人物及有機會前赴亞洲演出偶像電視劇。

為鼓勵更多俊男美女報名參加Sunshine Nation,今年大會新增設$400提名人獎。觀察身旁的朋友家人,若發覺他們具冠軍相,不妨提名他們參加,既能証明你獨具慧眼,又有機會贏取豐富獎金。