So you’re still guessing who are we?


Posted:July 2nd, 2009  |  by admin

剛剛聽到 FM96.1 《七點Zone了沒?》,主持人美女April跟帥哥杰拉德有提到加入Facebook page的消息喔! 沒錯了,加入Sunshine Nation的Facebook page是可以得到我們幕後情報員的最新消息。有人還問那個情報員是不是April呢! April很大聲的說: 「不是我啦! 」。然後她說現在要先賣個關子,遲一點就會公佈的說…


最近的確來了不少E-mail問關於幕後情報員的真正身份。… 好吧,大家那麼想知道,我就給大家一些提示吧! 兩名幕後情報員,一名男生跟一名女生。男生是FM96.1的一名帥哥DJ (是真的帥哥的帥哥哦!),女生是AM1470的一名美女DJ (是真的美女的美女哦!)。大家再先猜猜吧!

We are Sunshine Nation’s insiders, so of course we monitor all sorts of news / info / gossips around us — including the shows on our two channels FM96.1 and AM1470! We listened to FM96.1’s show “7 Dian Zone Le Mei?” 7:00PM tonight and heard the hosts mention us!!! Woohoo! Ya, the hosts, April and Gerald reminded you guys to become a fan on our Facebook page and mentioned all the goodies you’ll get. Someone also asked April if she is the insider, and she said “no!”. April said the true identities of the insiders will be revealed “later”…. well, she sounded as if she really knows who we are. I doubt it.

It is true that we’ve received quite a bit of e-mails these few days asking about our identities. Alright, since you guys are really curious, let me reveal a little bit of hints: there are two insiders, one handsome (I mean it!) guy and one pretty (I mean it!) girl. The guy is a DJ at FM96.1, and the girl is a DJ at AM1470…

Have fun guessing!