Sunshine Boyz and Girlz 健美體態的秘密!
Sunshine Boyz and Girlz staying in shape: the secret


Posted:August 21st, 2009  |  by admin

誰說要知道Sunshine Nation的最新情報「只要跟蹤著Eric就可以了」?!是跟著我Cindy才對!大家好,我是「幕後情報員」Cindy。你看那個Eric就只會替他的節目打廣告(這算是公器私用嗎?),我才是替各位網友帶來情報,稱職的Insider!

我就知道Sunshine Nation大會為了替各Boyz and Girlz塑造完美體態,於決賽夜當晚閃亮踏上舞台,特別安排了他們到O2 West Personal Fitness Studio接受一連串的體格訓練。既然是Sunshine Nation 2009的「大會指定健身顧問」,O2 West 的設備自然是達到國際一流的水準!他們的好些設備還是iPod ready的哦!邊健身邊還可以用自己的iPod聽喜歡的音樂。而Studio裡面還設有Wi-Fi,我在追蹤情報的時候還可以立刻上網查看Sunshine Nation官方Twitter的最新訊息。

想到O2 West Personal Fitness Studio健身的朋友,可以到他們的網站看看哦!
Who said  you only need to follow Eric for the latest news of Sunshine Nation? No Way! You guys should follow meeee. Hi everyone, I’m Cindy from AM1470, YOUR only reliable source for SSN Insiders’ news. Look, that Eric only advertises for himself and his show here. I am the one who truly gathers information for you guys.

Every week, our Sunshine boyz and girlz follow their managers to O2 West Personal Fitness Studio, our official fitness consultant, to stay in shape. That is why when you get to see them in the finale, they all look gorgeous! I followed them to the studio last week, and wow, O2 West is definitely an international-standard studio! Many of their equipments are even iPod-Ready, so you get to listen to your favorite music while you are working out. What’s more, the studio has Wi-Fi, so I could even check the tweets on SSN’s official twitter.

Interested in visiting O2 West? Take a look at their website: