SUNSHINE vs RAIN 陽光 vs 雨


Posted:August 14th, 2009  |  by brian

Hello 大家好,Crew’s blog 由我們 SUNSHINE NATION MANAGERS 來開始為大家披露 SUNSHINE NATION 的幕後花絮囉~ 今次是 SUNSHINE BOYS’ 的 MANAGER – BRIAN 先出場!我們做MANAGER的,他們十個小朋友有通告我們都要跟出跟入,也要兼顧他們十個小朋友的形象。差不多等於大明星身邊的保母/阿四囉!他們不是太難服侍的所以也還好...他們十個小朋友頑皮呀,忘記帶東西呀,怎麼怎麼呀,我們都有兩手準備,希望他們可以以最佳狀態示人。

Hi everyone, I am Brian, the SUNSHINE BOYS’ manager and welcome to the Crew’s Blog of SUNSHINE NATION 2009! We will be blogging about what went on behind the scenes and how the whole show was put together. To kick things off, I am going to blog about the press conference which took place Monday this week. As the SUNSHINE NATION managers, Barbara, the Girls’ manager, and I have to follow the kids around to all the activities and function. The good thing is that the kids are doing pretty good (for now… hahha). Beside following them around, Barbara and I are also responsible for their image, from hairstyle, make up, uniform, and costume for shows.

Basil getting make up done

Basil getting make up done

at the hair salon

at the hair salon

剛過去的星期一是記者會,我們一班 SUNSHINE NATION 「一大清早」就要準備啦!(其實不是比其他的 function要更早開始,只不過是因為下雨,天色陰陰暗暗的,所以覺得是「一大清早」!)化妝,弄頭髮,換衣服...已經有點 overtime,還要在路遇上大塞車和大雨,好不容易才到達記者會的地點呢!到達後十個小朋友就逐一在室外接受城市電視《都市有約》的主持人 Carmen姐訪問。下著雨,又冷,但穿著短裙的女生們都很 professional,很快就完成拍攝了。

拍攝之後十個小朋友就要為記者會進行最後的排練,fine tune 他們的pose~ 看看Jack的pose,他是忍者還是魔術師呢?因為記者會的dress code 是學生-look,所以我和 Barbara 也來 cosplay 一番~衣著是我們的專長嘛! hahahaha

For the press conference, the kids and us had to get up pretty early to get prepared. After all the make up and hair, we were a bit behind schedule. It took us extra time to get to the venue due to heavy traffic and the rain (isn’t Vancouver lovely when it’s raining). After arrival, the kids had to do an interview with Carmen, the host of “Do Shi You Yue” on TalentVision, outdoor!!! It was raining, and cold, and the girls were wearing mini skirts… but they were very professional and finished the interview in a snap.

After the interview, the kids had their last rehearsal for the press conference. Check out Jack’s pose… is he a ninja or a magician? Since the theme of the press conference was all about school, so Barbara and I are both dressed as ’students’… after all, dressing up is our expertise!

Jack... what are you?!

Jack... what are you?!

the managers of SUNSHINE NATION 2009 - Brian and Barbara

the managers of SUNSHINE NATION 2009 - Brian and Barbara

記者會的背景版是一張畢業證書,有他們十個”畢業生”的名字。電視螢幕上的更精彩,是個模擬某手機的屏幕顯示呢!那螢幕上的時間還要是 real time, 真是太犀利啦!

The back-drop of the press conference was a giant graduation diploma, with all the kids’ name on it! But the plasma TV was even more amazing, it’s suppose to be the screen of a popular cellphone! And the time displayed is actually the real time, woooowwww~!

the mega diploma of graduation

the mega diploma of graduation



記者會進行時我們要集中精神,所以沒有空為十個小朋友留下”最興奮的一刻” hehe… 吃過東西後(不用我來hard sell記者會進行的餐廳有多少新奇刺激又美味了,十個小朋友都blog過了…),我們就直驅 Stanley Park 內的Vancouver Aquarium,讓十個小朋友和小白鯨打招呼!在雨中十個小朋友無懼變成落湯雞/濕水鴨,繼續散發陽光氣色,笑容非常燦爛~!Jeffrey 應該是最興奮的一個吧!喂~小白鯨娃娃不是欖球啦!

After devouring the amazing food at the venue, we head straight to the Vancouver Aquarium at Stanley Park. The kids had to stand in front of the pool and let photographers to take pictures of them with the belugas! Although it was still raining, the kids were great and all smiling! Jeffrey was probably the most enthusiastic about the belugas… hey the plush is not a football!

all sunshine under the rain

all sunshine under the rain

it's not a football, Jeffrey!

it's not a football, Jeffrey!

然後 Aquarium給我們一個 private tour,去看看小白鯨在水底的模樣...看!Ivy是多麼的陶醉呢!

And the Aquarium was gracious to give us a private tour of the underwater tank… Ivy was so mesmerized.

ivy mesmerized...

ivy mesmerized...

mom and bady beluga

mom and bady beluga


OK that’s all from me for now! Next time I will be showing you how the uniform were put together! See you next time. Don’t forget to read our Sunshine Boys’ and Girls’ blog!

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  1. OniMujake says:

    Is Rain coming from Korea? haha ur and barbala’s custom are like …….old school

    go go go sunshine nation 2009 , haha This is “学长” haha

  2. Janete says:


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