Sunshine Nation 2009 Official Website 官方網站 » 99-crew Mon, 09 Aug 2010 09:46:55 +0000 en hourly 1 WHAT ARE THEY DOING?!? 他們在做甚麼?!? Tue, 25 Aug 2009 08:57:53 +0000 brian

hand language is always the most efficient...

hand language is always the most efficient...

Barbara playing with clothes... again

Barbara playing with clothes... again

racks of clothes...

racks of clothes...

is this for a magazine?!

is this for a magazine?!

A behind the scene look at the production of SUNSHINE NATION 2009… can you guess what they are doing? No prize for guessing correctly! LOL

Friday is the show!!! Come prepared to support your favorite SUNSHINE BOY or SUNSHINE GIRL!!! Signs are encouraged!

獨家幕後直擊 – 他們在做甚麼呢?!?! 答中無獎… 哈哈哈


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我是Sunshine媽媽!Hi, I am Sunshine Mama~! Fri, 21 Aug 2009 08:26:52 +0000 janice 大家好!我是Janice,Sunshine Nation 2009的coordinator。我常常都稱自己為「Sunshine媽媽」!為甚麼?除了是因為我要出席Sunshine boyz和girlz的所有訓練和公開場合之外,也是因為10位參賽者都太年青了!他們大部份都只有16~17歲,最大的也只不過是22歲!他們全部都很有活力和很熱心,就像我經常喊的口號-「ENERGY ENERGY!!!」

Hello everyone!  This is Janice, the coordinator of Sunshine Nation 2009. I always call myself the “Sunshine Mama”!  Why is that?  Beside the fact that I go to almost every class and function that the 10 Sunshine Boyz and Sunshine Girlz have, it’s because the 10 finalists are all so young!  Most of them are only around 16 and 17 years old, even the oldest one is only 22! They are really energetic and enthusiastic all the time, just like my slogan – “ENERGY, ENERGY!!!”

在過去的一個月裡,十位Sunshine Boyz和Girlz已經進行過很多訓練,像catwalk、健身、跳舞、模仿、才藝、談吐等等。雖然他們的的日程排得非常緊密,十位小朋友都十分用功練習,為的都是8月22日的「音樂才藝表演」和8月28日的決賽。作為「Sunshine媽媽」,看到Sunshine Boyz和Girlz的成長和他們在這短短期間的進步,我感到十分驕傲。作為Sunshine Nation 2009的一份子,我肯定他們一定獲益不少,並且會好好珍惜這段回憶。真的十分期待他們在「音樂才藝表演」和決賽夜的舞台上盡情的展現出成果,發熱發亮!

做得很好哦Boyz and Girlz!我愛你們!~ ^o^

In the past month, the 10 Sunshine Boyz & Girlz have been through a lot of training, for example, catwalk, fitness, dancing, mimicking, talent, public speaking, and etc.  Although the schedule is extremely tight and busy, these 10 kids put in lots of effort, in order to do a great job for the talent show on August 22nd and the finale on August 28th.  Being the “Sunshine Mama” and seeing our SSNs’ growth, I feel so proud of all their effort and improvement over this short period of time.  Being a part of Sunshine Nation 2009, I am sure all of them will get the most out of what they have learnt and will cherish this memory.  I’m really looking forward to see all of them performing on stage at the talent show on August 22nd and the finale on August 28th.


the Girlz immitating the Boyz' dance

the Girlz immitating the Boyz' dance

Boyz' during dancing class

Boyz' during dancing class

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it started with “Meteor Garden”… 一切從《流星花園》開始… Thu, 20 Aug 2009 08:11:55 +0000 brian Hello 大家好, 又是我 SUNSHINE NATION Boys’ Manager – BRIAN 。其實我和 Barbara 除了是 SUNSHINE NATION Managers 之外, 我們也是 SUNSHINE NATION 2009 的形象統籌。 由髮型, 化妝, 舞台上的衣著, 和制服都是我們的工作範圍, 至於拍攝就要看參賽者的擺 pose 天分和耐力了。那麼十個小朋友身上的制服是怎樣開始的呢? 一切從 brainstorming 開始 – 靈感的來源包括校園電視劇 《Gossip Girls》, 韓國流行文化, 和不同版本的《流星花園》。台灣版的《流星花園》當然是可米製作的經典之作啦!

Hey it’s BRIAN, the SSN Boys’ Manager again! Today I am putting on another hat – as one of the image coordinators (it’s me + Barbara) – to blog about the production of the SSN09 uniform. We are responsible for overlooking the make up, hairstyle, show costume, and the most important of all – the uniform! In terms of photo shoot, that is out of our control – it’s in the hands of contestant! Where did we begin? So the production of the uniform started with brainstorming – we were inspired by “Gossip Girls”, K-Pop, and the different versions of “Meteor Garden”, which the Taiwanese version was obviously a huge success by none other than Comic Productions!

Korean version of Meteor Garden - "꽃보다 男子 (Boys Over Flowers)" (KBS)

Korean version of Meteor Garden - "꽃보다 男子 (Boys Over Flowers)" (KBS)

main characters of China's version of Meteor Garden

main characters of China's version of 流星花園(Meteor Garden) (Hunan TV)

Taiwan's version of Meteor Garden

Taiwanese's version of 流星花園 (Meteor Garden) (Comic Production - CTS)

Gossip Girl

main characters of hit TV series "Gossip Girl" (CW)

其實在面試日和電影廣告拍攝日之間只有六日, 試穿制服之後只有很短的時間讓我們為制服加工。整個制服的製作中最特別, 也是對我們最陌生的, 是校章的製作 – 因為真的沒這方面的經驗呢! 見步行步吧~ 首先, 你需要一個燙斗, 布料 (我們用的是氈布), 和燙畫紙。另外, 當然要先有一個設計啦! 要記得把設計左右反轉才印在燙畫紙呀。

Fitting day was just two days after the audition and four days before the TV commercial shoot and photo shoot, so we have a very short time frame to put together all the pieces, modifying them, and the most important of all, making the school crest! Honestly I have not done this before, so we just following the instruction and hope for the best! What you need are an iron, the fabric you are making the crest on, which was felt in our case, and thermal transfer paper. So first of all, you have to design the school crest! But make sure you flip the image horizontally before you print them onto thermal transfer paper.

iron, felt, and printable paper

iron, felt, and printable paper

on the computer

as seen on the computer

將燙畫紙反轉放在氈布上, 然後用燙斗用力向下按。一定要平均地用力向下按! 因為紙上沒有記號告訴用家甚麼時候可以把紙撕掉, 所以就要碰碰運氣了。成功! 製成品很漂亮呢~!

Then lay the thermal paper onto the felt and press with the iron set to the cotton setting. Evenly pressing the entire area is the key to make the image transfer onto the fabric successfully. There’s no way you can tell it’s ready, so you have to be the judge and hope for the best when you start peeling the paper off. So pretty =)

press evenly all over

press evenly all over

peel when you think it's ready

peel when you think it's ready

pretty pretty badges

pretty pretty badges

Barbara 在縫紉方面比較利害, 所以由她來把校章縫上校服和其他縫紉, 而我就付責製造校章和 logistic。今年 SUNSHINE NATION 的校服就是這樣誕生了。

Since I am not good at sewing so I made the badges and overlook logistic while Barbara did all the sewing… and this is how the uniforms were born! Stay tuned for more insider update…

barbara sewing

Barbara sewing the badges

me cutting out the badges

me cutting out the badges

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救助台灣水災災民 Sunshine Nation門票收益將撥捐賑災之用 Tue, 18 Aug 2009 06:06:15 +0000 admin


風雨無情,人間有愛。為幫助台灣莫拉克風災災民,加拿大中文電台決定將Sunshine Nation 2009所有門票收益撥捐作賑災之用。現在你也可以出一分力,向災民伸出援手。購買Sunshine Nation 2009門票,除了可以現場感受精采的比賽過程,欣賞香港新一代青春跳舞組合Hotcha載歌載舞,見證新一代Sunshine Boyz和Sunshine Girlz的誕生之外,更可以做善事,幫助這次風災有需要的人。


Sunshine Nation CARES. As part of the global community, Fairchild Radio has decided that all proceeds from the ticket sales of Sunshine Nation 2009 will be donated to help the victims of typhoon Morakot in Taiwan. So now YOU can help. Buy tickets to watch Sunshine Nation 2009, enjoy the spectacular performances of our finalists and guest performers Hotcha, and contribute to the donation that will help the victims in Taiwan.

Tickets are $30 each. You may buy tickets at Fairchild Radio’s office at Aberdeen Centre in Richmond. Click here to see the address. ]]> 2 SunShine Nation 2009, BEGINS!!! Mon, 17 Aug 2009 07:10:24 +0000 barbara 大家好! 充滿陽光的夏天又到啦! 我是SSN 2009的經理人之一, 芭芭拉. 今年我們的Boyz都是活力俊男, Girlz都是甜美的可人兒! 每次活動和上課都可以與十位型男美女見面, SSN是我每年最期待的活動準沒錯 (笑)!

相信你們都欣賞過今年的電視廣告以及宣傳海報, 製作當天一大清早就開始化妝, 弄頭髮, 然後到我們的拍攝場地等等, 工作了超過十四小時! 十位陽光學院的學生到最後依然活力充沛, 真是令人佩服得五體投地! 相信他們的都有依照健身老師的指示和努力鍛鍊吧. 還有, 你們的pose都很專業, 但是形象老師的功勞也不少唷. 你們的態度很認真, 大家都做得很好! 在廣告和海報裡可以發現, 每個人都散發著自己獨有的氣質囉!  在這裡, 我想跟我們的Boyz & Girlz說一聲”Good job!”

大家繼續努力, 加油! SunShine Nation 2009, YEAH!

Hi Everyone, the summer has officially started with Sunshine, Sunshine Nation that is! I am Barbara, one of the SUNSHINE NATION 2009 managers. Our Sunshine Boyz are all super handsome and energetic, and the Sunshine Girlz are the sweetest and cutest ever! Getting to see the ten awesome Boyz and Girlz everytime they had functions or activities is definitely what I am looking for every year =)

Have you all checked out the commerical and poster? It was a long day in terms of hours! We spent a total of 14 hours with hair, make up, travel, and of course, filming the commerical and taking portraits. But before the long long day, they all spent hours praticing poses with our modelling instructor and worked hard in the gym with our fitness coach. After the long long day, they were still very energetic and I was so in awe with all of them! As you should have noticed, everyone was showing they own unique quality. I just want to say GOOD JOB to our Sunshine Boyz and Girlz!

Let’s keep up the good work everyone! SUNSHINE NATION 2009, YEAH!

me and Brian (in pink) making sure all of the SSN are looking good =)

me and Brian (in pink) making sure all of the SSN are looking good =)

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SUNSHINE vs RAIN 陽光 vs 雨 Fri, 14 Aug 2009 20:49:18 +0000 brian Hello 大家好,Crew’s blog 由我們 SUNSHINE NATION MANAGERS 來開始為大家披露 SUNSHINE NATION 的幕後花絮囉~ 今次是 SUNSHINE BOYS’ 的 MANAGER – BRIAN 先出場!我們做MANAGER的,他們十個小朋友有通告我們都要跟出跟入,也要兼顧他們十個小朋友的形象。差不多等於大明星身邊的保母/阿四囉!他們不是太難服侍的所以也還好...他們十個小朋友頑皮呀,忘記帶東西呀,怎麼怎麼呀,我們都有兩手準備,希望他們可以以最佳狀態示人。

Hi everyone, I am Brian, the SUNSHINE BOYS’ manager and welcome to the Crew’s Blog of SUNSHINE NATION 2009! We will be blogging about what went on behind the scenes and how the whole show was put together. To kick things off, I am going to blog about the press conference which took place Monday this week. As the SUNSHINE NATION managers, Barbara, the Girls’ manager, and I have to follow the kids around to all the activities and function. The good thing is that the kids are doing pretty good (for now… hahha). Beside following them around, Barbara and I are also responsible for their image, from hairstyle, make up, uniform, and costume for shows.

Basil getting make up done

Basil getting make up done

at the hair salon

at the hair salon

剛過去的星期一是記者會,我們一班 SUNSHINE NATION 「一大清早」就要準備啦!(其實不是比其他的 function要更早開始,只不過是因為下雨,天色陰陰暗暗的,所以覺得是「一大清早」!)化妝,弄頭髮,換衣服...已經有點 overtime,還要在路遇上大塞車和大雨,好不容易才到達記者會的地點呢!到達後十個小朋友就逐一在室外接受城市電視《都市有約》的主持人 Carmen姐訪問。下著雨,又冷,但穿著短裙的女生們都很 professional,很快就完成拍攝了。

拍攝之後十個小朋友就要為記者會進行最後的排練,fine tune 他們的pose~ 看看Jack的pose,他是忍者還是魔術師呢?因為記者會的dress code 是學生-look,所以我和 Barbara 也來 cosplay 一番~衣著是我們的專長嘛! hahahaha

For the press conference, the kids and us had to get up pretty early to get prepared. After all the make up and hair, we were a bit behind schedule. It took us extra time to get to the venue due to heavy traffic and the rain (isn’t Vancouver lovely when it’s raining). After arrival, the kids had to do an interview with Carmen, the host of “Do Shi You Yue” on TalentVision, outdoor!!! It was raining, and cold, and the girls were wearing mini skirts… but they were very professional and finished the interview in a snap.

After the interview, the kids had their last rehearsal for the press conference. Check out Jack’s pose… is he a ninja or a magician? Since the theme of the press conference was all about school, so Barbara and I are both dressed as ’students’… after all, dressing up is our expertise!

Jack... what are you?!

Jack... what are you?!

the managers of SUNSHINE NATION 2009 - Brian and Barbara

the managers of SUNSHINE NATION 2009 - Brian and Barbara

記者會的背景版是一張畢業證書,有他們十個”畢業生”的名字。電視螢幕上的更精彩,是個模擬某手機的屏幕顯示呢!那螢幕上的時間還要是 real time, 真是太犀利啦!

The back-drop of the press conference was a giant graduation diploma, with all the kids’ name on it! But the plasma TV was even more amazing, it’s suppose to be the screen of a popular cellphone! And the time displayed is actually the real time, woooowwww~!

the mega diploma of graduation

the mega diploma of graduation



記者會進行時我們要集中精神,所以沒有空為十個小朋友留下”最興奮的一刻” hehe… 吃過東西後(不用我來hard sell記者會進行的餐廳有多少新奇刺激又美味了,十個小朋友都blog過了…),我們就直驅 Stanley Park 內的Vancouver Aquarium,讓十個小朋友和小白鯨打招呼!在雨中十個小朋友無懼變成落湯雞/濕水鴨,繼續散發陽光氣色,笑容非常燦爛~!Jeffrey 應該是最興奮的一個吧!喂~小白鯨娃娃不是欖球啦!

After devouring the amazing food at the venue, we head straight to the Vancouver Aquarium at Stanley Park. The kids had to stand in front of the pool and let photographers to take pictures of them with the belugas! Although it was still raining, the kids were great and all smiling! Jeffrey was probably the most enthusiastic about the belugas… hey the plush is not a football!

all sunshine under the rain

all sunshine under the rain

it's not a football, Jeffrey!

it's not a football, Jeffrey!

然後 Aquarium給我們一個 private tour,去看看小白鯨在水底的模樣...看!Ivy是多麼的陶醉呢!

And the Aquarium was gracious to give us a private tour of the underwater tank… Ivy was so mesmerized.

ivy mesmerized...

ivy mesmerized...

mom and bady beluga

mom and bady beluga


OK that’s all from me for now! Next time I will be showing you how the uniform were put together! See you next time. Don’t forget to read our Sunshine Boys’ and Girls’ blog!

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